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Спосаб паліроўкі замарожанага мясарэзкі

Спосаб паліроўкі замарожанага мясарэзкі

Barbecue has become a favorite food for many people. Many mutton rolls can be made in a short time. The frozen mutton slicer cuts the frozen mutton into rolls piece by piece. Generally, many manufacturers make the machine more beautiful before using it.  Cut lamb more smoothly, it will be polished, what are the polishing methods?

1. Механічная паліроўка.

Whethering stone sticks, wool wheels, sandpaper, etc. are generally used, and manual operations are the main ones. For special parts such as the surface of the rotating body, auxiliary tools such as turntables can be used.

2, chemical polishing.

Дазвольце мікраскапічна выпуклай частцы матэрыялу ў хімічнай асяроддзі растварыцца пераважна, чым ўвагнутай частцы, каб атрымаць гладкую паверхню. Звярніце ўвагу, што падрыхтоўка паліравальнай вадкасці павінна быць разумнай. Нарэзка для замарожанага мяса – гэта харчовая машына, і яе чысцяць адразу пасля паліроўкі.

3. Электралітычная паліроўка.

By selectively dissolving the tiny protrusions on the surface of the material, it makes the surface smooth.

4. Магнітная шліфоўка і паліроўка.

Magnetic grinding and polishing is the use of magnetic abrasives to form abrasive brushes under the action of a magnetic field to grind frozen meat slicers.

5. Вадкавая паліроўка.

Fluid polishing relies on high-speed flowing liquid and abrasive particles carried by it to wash the surface of the workpiece to achieve the purpose of polishing.

frozen meat slicer after long-term use, the surface will inevitably be a little burr, unequal, choose a suitable polishing method to restore its surface to a new state, which will bring benefits to the maintenance of the machine.

Спосаб паліроўкі замарожанага мясарэзкі-Lamb slicer, beef slicer, lamb/mutton wear string machine, beef wear string machine, Multifunctional vegetable cutter, Food packaging machine, China factory, supplier, manufacturer, wholesaler