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Metode pemolesan alat pengiris daging beku

Metode pemolesan alat pengiris daging beku

Barbecue has become a favorite food for many people. Many mutton rolls can be made in a short time. The frozen mutton slicer cuts the frozen mutton into rolls piece by piece. Generally, many manufacturers make the machine more beautiful before using it.  Cut lamb more smoothly, it will be polished, what are the polishing methods?

1. Pemolesan mekanis.

Whethering stone sticks, wool wheels, sandpaper, etc. are generally used, and manual operations are the main ones. For special parts such as the surface of the rotating body, auxiliary tools such as turntables can be used.

2, chemical polishing.

Biarkan bagian bahan yang cembung secara mikroskopis dalam media kimia larut lebih disukai daripada bagian cekung, sehingga mendapatkan permukaan yang halus. Perhatikan bahwa persiapan cairan pemoles harus masuk akal. Alat pengiris daging beku adalah mesin makanan, dan segera dibersihkan setelah dipoles.

3. Pemolesan elektrolit.

By selectively dissolving the tiny protrusions on the surface of the material, it makes the surface smooth.

4. Penggilingan dan pemolesan magnetik.

Magnetic grinding and polishing is the use of magnetic abrasives to form abrasive brushes under the action of a magnetic field to grind frozen meat slicers.

5. Pemolesan cairan.

Fluid polishing relies on high-speed flowing liquid and abrasive particles carried by it to wash the surface of the workpiece to achieve the purpose of polishing.

frozen meat slicer after long-term use, the surface will inevitably be a little burr, unequal, choose a suitable polishing method to restore its surface to a new state, which will bring benefits to the maintenance of the machine.

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