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使用上の注意 冷凍肉スライサー

1. Frozen fresh meat must be put into the freezer 2 hours in advance to thaw at about -5°C before being sliced. When you need to adjust the thickness, you need to check that the positioning head does not touch the baffle before adjusting.

2. The frozen meat slicer must be unplugged before cleaning. Only clean it with a damp cloth, and then wipe it dry with a dry cloth, once a day to maintain food hygiene.

3.切り肉の厚みが不均一な場合や、ひき肉が大きい場合は、ナイフを研ぐ必要があります。 ナイフを研ぐときは、最初に刃をきれいにして、刃の油汚れを取り除く必要があります。

4. According to the conditions of use, remove the blade guard for about one week for cleaning, clean it with a damp cloth and then dry it with a dry cloth. Refueling about once a week, the automatic frozen meat slicer needs to move the carrying plate to the refueling line on the right before refueling every time the automatic frozen meat slicer refuels, and the semi-automatic slicer refuels on the stroke axis. Sewing machine oil must be added.

