- 22
- Mar
Phenomenon that should be avoided in designing beef and mutton slicer
Fenomena sing kudu dihindari sajrone ngrancang slicer daging sapi lan wedhus
1. During the design process, the thickness of the inspection hole cover plate configured for the beef and mutton slicer is insufficient, so that it is easy to deform after the bolt is tightened, resulting in an uneven joint surface and oil leakage from the contact gap .
2. Ora ana lenga bali alur ing awak, supaya gampang kanggo lubricating lenga kanggo klumpukne ing segel batang, tutup mburi, lumahing peserta lan posisi liyane. Ing tumindak prabédan tekanan, bakal bocor metu saka sawetara kesenjangan.
3. Too much lubricating oil is added. In this case, when the beef and mutton slicer is in normal operation, the oil sump will be greatly agitated, causing the lubricating oil to splash everywhere in the machine. And if the amount of oil is particularly large, it will also cause leakage.
4. Desain struktur segel poros ora wajar. Contone, alur lenga lan felt ring jinis struktur segel poros biasane digunakake sadurunge. Kanthi cara iki, masalah deformasi kompresi uga rawan kedadeyan sajrone proses perakitan.
5. The maintenance method is unreasonable. When the beef and mutton slicer has some abnormal conditions, we need to carry out the maintenance in time. And if there are problems such as incomplete removal of dirt on the joint surface, improper selection of sealant, or reverse installation of the seal, it is likely to cause oil leakage.