- 07
- Jun
What is the operation process of the beef and mutton slicer?
Pêvajoya operasyonê ya çi ye goşt û goştê pez?
1. Insert a round pin into the retaining ring hole on the right end of the main shaft to prevent the main shaft from rotating, and then screw the ring knife onto the left end main shaft. Two single-edged round knives are installed on the right end of the spindle, and a fixed washer is installed between the two blades to tighten the nut.
2. Adjust the limit screw behind the left-end feeding carriage so that the feeding stroke exceeds the ring knife edge to ensure that the sample rubber is cut through.
3. Start the beef and mutton slicer and turn on the coolant knob on the left side of the water tank.
4. Materyalên nimûneyê li ser platformê vertîkal û bi şûjinê bixin.
5. Push the handle to feed the feeding pallet and spin the cylinder.
6. Return the feeding carriage, and the ejector rod is driven by the active connecting rod, and the cylindrical sample is ejected from the ring knife edge.
7. After rotating and cutting a number of test pieces, adjust the limit screw behind the right end of the feed carriage to make the two single-edged round knife edges evenly touch the sample holder. Lift the upper die of the right sample holder, insert the cylindrical specimen into the hole of the beef and mutton slicer holder, close the upper die, open the coolant knob, and push the handle.
8. The connection fulcrum between the ejector rod and the tie rod is divided into two types, front and rear, which can be used arbitrarily on both sides according to the operator’s needs.
The operation process of the beef and mutton slicer is the first step to understand before using the machine to cut beef and mutton slices. To protect the machine and let it be used efficiently for a long time, it is also necessary to be familiar with its operation process.