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The structure of the mutton slicer

The structure of the mutton slicer

Lamb slicers are used more and more frequently, more and more widely, and can be seen almost everywhere. When using, it is required to run smoothly, quickly, accurately, and safely. These are all related to its structure. The main existing form of the structure is this:

1. Pneumatic bottle lifting mechanism: The mutton slicer uses pneumatic bottle holders. The compressed air can be circulated in the loop tube to reduce power consumption. Therefore, it has a self-buffering function, stable lifting and saving time.

2. Mékanis mékanis jeung pneumatic hibrid ngangkat mékanisme: leungeun baju dilengkepan wadah botol bisa geser sapanjang plunger kerung, sarta blok pasagi maénkeun peran guiding pikeun nyegah leungeun baju tina deflection nalika eta diangkat tur lowered.

3. mékanisme botol ngangkat mékanis: jenis ieu struktur kawilang basajan, tapi reliabiliti gawé na goréng. Irisan naek sapanjang slide, sarta gampang squeeze keureut. Kualitas keureut kacida luhurna, utamana bottleneck nu teu bisa ngagulung, sarta éta cocog pikeun satengah leutik Otomatis non-gas mesin domba slicing.

Dina waktos anu sami, slicer umumna ngagabungkeun kadali pituduh cam pikeun ngajantenkeun gerakan angkat potongan gancang, akurat sareng ngajamin kualitasna. Alat sapertos ieu seueur dianggo, khususna pikeun slicer isobaric, sabab parantos dilengkepan alat komprési hawa. Struktur ieu langkung sering dianggo.

The work efficiency of cutting meat slices with lamb slicer is greatly improved, which is related to its structure. When the structure design is reasonable, the efficiency of the slicer is higher, and it will be effective for cutting meat for a long time.

The structure of the mutton slicer-Pengiris Domba, Pengiris Sapi, Mesin Senar Domba/Kambing, Mesin Senar Daging Sapi, Pemotong Sayur Multifungsi, Mesin Pembungkus Makanan, Pabrik Cina, Pemasok, Pabrikan, Grosir