- 30
- Dec
Léngkah-léngkah rakitan sabeulah slicer daging beku
The assembly steps of the slicer daging beku sabeulah
1. Pasang pangawal péso kénca jeung katuhu heula.
2. Turn the two fixed knobs of the left and right slicing knife counterclockwise to exit.
3. Loosen the tilt angle adjustment wrench of the slicing knife of the frozen meat slicer.
4. Hold the back of the slicing knife with the blade facing upwards, and carefully insert the knife holder from the side.
5. Turn the blade fixing knob clockwise to evenly press the cutting blade of the frozen meat slicer without tightening it first.
6. Mindahkeun sabeulah Dengdekkeun sudut adjustment rengkuh, saluyukeun sudut pungkur tina agul motong ka posisi nu dipikahoyong, lajeng tighten sabeulah Dengdekkeun sudut adjustment rengkuh baud.
7. Hurungkeun kenop ngaropéa sabeulah jarum jam pikeun merata clamp agul motong.