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Amanyathelo endibano yeblade yenyama ekhenkcezisiweyo yokusika

The assembly steps of the umkhenkce wokusika inyama yakudubula

1. Faka oonogada beemela ekhohlo nasekunene kuqala.

2. Turn the two fixed knobs of the left and right slicing knife counterclockwise to exit.

3. Loosen the tilt angle adjustment wrench of the slicing knife of the frozen meat slicer.

4. Hold the back of the slicing knife with the blade facing upwards, and carefully insert the knife holder from the side.

5. Turn the blade fixing knob clockwise to evenly press the cutting blade of the frozen meat slicer without tightening it first.

6. Hambisa i-blade tilt angle adjustment wrench, lungisa i-angle yangasemva ye-blade yokusika kwindawo oyifunayo, uze uqinise i-bolt ye-angle yokulungisa i-wrench bolt.

7. Jika iqhosha lokulungisa i-blade ngewotshi ukuze ubambe ngokulinganayo iblade yokusika.

Amanyathelo endibano yeblade yenyama ekhenkcezisiweyo yokusika-Lamb slicer, beef slicer, lamb/mutton wear string machine, beef wear string machine, Multifunctional vegetable cutter, Food packaging machine, China factory, supplier, manufacturer, wholesaler