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How does the overload protection of the beef and mutton slicer work?

How does the overload protection of the нарэзка ялавічыны і бараніны працаваць?

1. The preparation work of the staff before operation must not be less, and both hands should wear safety protective gloves.

2. When installing the saw blade of the beef and mutton slicer before use, pay attention to which side of the saw blade is. The correct one should be that the tip of the serration on the right cutting surface faces downward.

3. Скрабок знаходзіцца ў стане націскання ляза нарэзкі ялавічыны і бараніны, але варта адзначыць, што ён не можа дакрануцца да наканечніка пілы. Таму што гэта будзе вырабляць шмат шуму пасля дакранання да наканечніка пілы, і гэта наўпрост скараціць тэрмін службы палатна пілы.

4. It is forbidden to directly grab meat by hand, especially small meat, even if you wear gloves, because the high-speed saw is too dangerous.

5.After using the beef and mutton slicing machine, it is recommended to loosen the handle of the saw band tension on the top of the machine for 2 turns and then tighten the handle when it is used next time. The effect is to extend the service life of the saw blade.

How does the overload protection of the beef and mutton slicer work?-Lamb slicer, beef slicer, lamb/mutton wear string machine, beef wear string machine, Multifunctional vegetable cutter, Food packaging machine, China factory, supplier, manufacturer, wholesaler