- 28
- Jan
Herikîna kar a goşt û goştê pez
Work flow of beef and slicer pez
Nowadays, the hot pot is more and more popular among the people. The beef and mutton slicer is indispensable. With it, the beef and mutton can be cut into thin slices. It can be divided into automatic and semi-automatic. Its work What is the process?
1. The feed roller of beef and mutton slicer is driven by a cutter head through a set of changing gears, and the cutter head is equipped with multiple blades according to the cutting size.
2. Ji têkilîya di navbera helandin an perçan û oksîjena hewayê de dûr bixin, û perçan xweş bikin da ku toza ku ji ber granulasyonê çêdibe ji holê rakin.
3. Serê birrîna goşt û goştê pez ji hêla veguheztinek domdar ve tê rêve kirin.
4. Dema ku tevna ku bi parafîn veşartiye tê birîn, ji ber ku ew bi qeraxa mûmê ya parça berê ve girêdayî ye, perçeyek ji çend perçeyan tê çêkirin.
5. Cut many beef and mutton into regular slices according to a certain ratio.
Beef and Mutton Slicer uses the sharp cutting surface of the slicer to cut objects and materials into pieces according to the width or ratio of a point, and uses the heavy knife disk to act as a flywheel to stabilize the slice.