- 28
- Sep
Хөлдөөсөн мах хэрчэгч ямар бүтэцтэй вэ
ямар бүтэцтэй вэ хөлдөөсөн мах зүсэгч
The frozen meat slicer is mainly composed of three parts: cutting mechanism, power transmission mechanism and feeding mechanism. The motor rotates the cutting mechanism bidirectionally through the power transmission mechanism to cut the meat supplied by the feeding mechanism. The meat can be cut into regular thin slices, shreds and pellets as required by the cooking process.
Хөлдөөсөн мах хэрчэгчийн зүсэх механизм нь машины үндсэн ажлын механизм юм. Шинэ мах зөөлөн, булчингийн утас нь амархан таслагдахгүй тул хүнсний ногоо, жимсний зүсэгчд эргэдэг хутга хэрэглэх нь тохиромжгүй байдаг. Энэ төрлийн мах зүсэх машин нь ерөнхийдөө коаксиаль дугуй ирээс бүрдсэн зүсэх хутганы бүлгийг ашигладаг бөгөөд энэ нь хоёр эсрэг тэнхлэгтэй хосолсон зүсэх хутга юм.
The two sets of circular blades of the knife group of the frozen meat slicer are parallel in the axial direction, and the blades are staggered with a small amount of error. Each wrong pair of circular blades forms a set of cutting pairs. The two sets of blades are driven by gears on the drive shaft, so that the knife groups on the two shafts rotate in the opposite direction, which is convenient for feeding, and at the same time achieves the purpose of automatic cutting. The thickness of the meat slices is ensured by the gap between the circular blades, which is determined by the thickness of the spacer pressed between each circular blade.