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Beef and mutton slicer inspection precautions

Sapi jeung mutton slicer inspection precautions

1. All energy supply used by beef and mutton slicer is sufficient;

2. The smear test and pH test are qualified;

3. The cleaning pipe is disassembled, and at the same time, it is connected to the recovery pipeline of the beef and mutton slicer, and the butterfly valve can be opened;

4. The position of all valve switches and pump control switches of the beef and mutton slicer should be correct.

5. The temperature of ice water meets the standard, the temperature is 1–2℃, and the pressure is 3–4bar;

6. Sadaya parameter pakakas anu aya dina rentang baku.

Beef and mutton slicer inspection precautions-Pengiris Domba, Pengiris Sapi, Mesin Senar Domba/Kambing, Mesin Senar Daging Sapi, Pemotong Sayur Multifungsi, Mesin Pembungkus Makanan, Pabrik Cina, Pemasok, Pabrikan, Grosir