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Precautions after the mutton slicer finishes work

Precautions after the mutton slicer finishes work

The i-mutton slicer can cut the mutton into thin slices. This kind of mutton is not only easy to cook, but also has a good taste. However, after the slicer finishes its meat cutting work, in order to facilitate the next use, there are some precautions that need to be paid attention to. Yes, what are the specific matters?

1. Zungezisa isondo lesandla ukuze uphakamise ngokuqondile isibambi sesifanekiso endaweni ephakeme, futhi uphendule isondo lesandla ukuze umise isibambo, futhi ngesikhathi esifanayo ukhiye kokubili umbambi wesifanekiso nesondo lesandla.

2. Khipha i-blade yokusika ngokuqondile kumphathi wommese we-mutton slicer, usule bese uyibeka ebhokisini lommese.

3. Khipha isifanekiso ngokuqondile kumphathi wesifanekiso.

4. Clean up the chipping debris.

5. Hlanza sonke isisiki imvu.

Ukufingqa, ngemva kokuba isisiki semvu yemvu isiqedile umsebenzi waso, akusho ukuthi ngeke usaba nandaba nakho, kodwa kunezinyathelo ezithile zokuphepha okufanele uziqaphele. Ngaphezu kwalokho, uma usebenzisa ummese wokusika, kufanele uqaphele kakhulu futhi ungawusebenzisi ngokuqondile. Thinta ngezandla zakho, futhi ungabeki ama-blade okusika ngokungahleliwe.

Precautions after the mutton slicer finishes work-Lamb slicer, beef slicer, lamb/mutton wear string machine, beef wear string machine, Multifunctional vegetable cutter, Food packaging machine, China factory, supplier, manufacturer, wholesaler