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Princippet om automatisk fodring af okse- og fårekødsskærer

Princippet om automatisk fodring af okse- og fårekødsskærer

Hot pot is a very favorite food in winter, especially the slices of beef and mutton rolls, which are cut out with a beef and fåreskæremaskine. The slicer is used throughout the whole process, most of which are automated. The principle of automatic meat loading is as follows:

1. The semi-automatic beef and mutton slicing machine is operated by human hands. The automatic slicing machine is conveyed by the gravity of the meat nail plate. When the meat itself is heavy enough, the meat planer can be completed without pressing the meat. Slicing work.

2. Start okse- og fårekødssnittemaskinen. Mens skæremaskinens kniv skærer kødrullerne, vil maskinen skubbe kødet frem efter den indstillede præcision, så de udskårne kødskiver bliver jævne, kødkvaliteten er nem at tilberede, og tilberedningstiden spares. .

Beef and mutton slicer can automatically cut the meat, to a certain extent, it can ensure that the slice shape is very uniform. The use of the slicer is mostly done automatically by the machine, which improves the efficiency while ensuring safety.

Princippet om automatisk fodring af okse- og fårekødsskærer-Lammeskærer, oksekødsskærer, lamme-/fårekødssnoremaskine, oksekødssnøremaskine, Multifunktionel grøntsagsskærer, Fødevareemballagemaskine, Kinafabrik, leverandør, producent, grossist