- 16
- Aug
Carane nggunakake slicer daging sapi lan wedhus
Carane nggunakake slicer daging sapi lan wedhus
1. After receiving the beef and mutton slicer, you should check the outer packaging for any abnormality in time. If there is any abnormality, such as damage or lack of parts, please call the manufacturer in time, and then carefully read the manual equipped with the beef and mutton slicer to confirm. After the error is correct, you can proceed to the following steps.
2. Banjur priksa manawa voltase sumber daya konsisten karo voltase sing ditandhani ing label mesin.
3. After unpacking, please place the machine on a firm workbench and try to stay away from the humid environment.
4. Nyetel rotasi ukuran kanggo milih kekandelan irisan dibutuhake.
5. Nguripake daya lan pencet tombol wiwitan kanggo miwiti agul-agul.
6. Sijine pangan kanggo Cut ing piring ngusapake, push pangan mbenakake lengen kanggo ngadhepi agul-agul lan pindhah ngiwa lan nengen marang pemisahan interaktif.
7. Sawise nggunakake, nguripake rotasi skala bali menyang posisi “0”.
8. How to disassemble the blade: first loosen the blade guard, then take out the blade cover, and use a tool to loosen the screw on the blade before taking out the blade. For the installation method of the blade, please refer to the above-mentioned removal method. (The blade is sharp, please pay attention to safety during installation and removal)