- 24
- Jan
Rêbaza parastina hevsengiya goşt û goştê pez
Rêbaza parastina hevsengiya goşt û goştê pez
With people’s love for hot pot and other delicacies, beef and mutton slicers came into being. They are mainly used to cut beef and mutton and other meaty foods. Compared with manual meat cutting, it saves a lot of trouble. In order to improve the efficiency of use, the machine has to be used all year round To maintain balance, the method is as follows:
1. The balance can only be carried out after the slewing bearing of the beef and mutton slicer is released from the tail plate;
2. Heya ku lingê piştgiriya rijandin tenê derkeve, wekî ku hewce dike bixebitin;
3. Kontrol bikin ka parça goşt û goştê pez hevseng e yan na, û ger hewce be, ji bo birrîna troleyek bikar bînin;
4. Meriv dikare were kontrol kirin ka hilgirê şûştin û erd di xetek vertîkal de ne.
In a balanced state, the beef and mutton slicer can run smoothly and continuously when cutting meat, so that the machine maintains a fixed state. It is a necessary preparation to check whether it is in a balanced state before use.