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Precautions for the first installation of beef and mutton slicer

Precautions for the first installation of rezač govedine i ovčetine

1. The length of the blade of the beef and mutton slicer is often sharp, so you need to install the knife guard first.

2. Vijak za pričvršćivanje alata može se ukloniti okretanjem u smjeru kazaljke na satu.

3. Loosen the tilt angle adjustment wrench of the slicing knife of the beef and mutton slicer.

4. Pomaknite ključ za podešavanje kuta nagiba oštrice, podesite stražnji kut noža za rezanje u željeni položaj, a zatim zategnite vijak ključa za podešavanje kuta nagiba oštrice.

5. In order to stabilize the tool, you can rotate it clockwise until it stops. During the whole process, you must always pay attention to the knives of the beef and mutton slicer to avoid being scratched by the knives.

Precautions for the first installation of beef and mutton slicer-Rezač za janjetinu, rezač za govedinu, stroj za rezanje žica za janjetinu/ovčetinu, stroj za rezanje govedine, višenamjenski rezač povrća, stroj za pakiranje hrane, tvornica u Kini, dobavljač, proizvođač, veletrgovac