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Precautions for the first installation of beef and mutton slicer

Precautions for the first installation of slicer daging sapi lan wedhus

1. The length of the blade of the beef and mutton slicer is often sharp, so you need to install the knife guard first.

2. Sekrup mbenakake alat bisa dibusak kanthi ngowahi searah jarum jam.

3. Loosen the tilt angle adjustment wrench of the slicing knife of the beef and mutton slicer.

4. Pindhah kunci imbuhan amba ngiringake agul-agul, nyetel amba mburi agul-agul nglereni menyang posisi sing dikarepake, lan banjur ngencengi amba ngiringake imbuhan kunci bolt.

5. In order to stabilize the tool, you can rotate it clockwise until it stops. During the whole process, you must always pay attention to the knives of the beef and mutton slicer to avoid being scratched by the knives.

Precautions for the first installation of beef and mutton slicer-Pengiris daging domba, pengiris daging sapi, mesin tali domba / daging kambing, mesin tali daging sapi, pemotong sayuran multifungsi, mesin kemasan pangan, pabrik China, pemasok, produsen, grosir