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Precautions for the first installation of beef and mutton slicer

Precautions for the first installation of mol go’shti va qo’y go’shtini maydalagich

1. The length of the blade of the beef and mutton slicer is often sharp, so you need to install the knife guard first.

2. Asbobni mahkamlash vintini soat yo’nalishi bo’yicha aylantirib olish mumkin.

3. Loosen the tilt angle adjustment wrench of the slicing knife of the beef and mutton slicer.

4. Pichoqning egilish burchagini sozlash kalitini harakatlantiring, kesish pichog’ining orqa burchagini kerakli holatga sozlang, so’ngra pichoqning egilish burchagini sozlash kaliti murvatini torting.

5. In order to stabilize the tool, you can rotate it clockwise until it stops. During the whole process, you must always pay attention to the knives of the beef and mutton slicer to avoid being scratched by the knives.

Precautions for the first installation of beef and mutton slicer-Qo'zilarni kesish mashinasi, mol go'shti kesish mashinasi, qo'zi / qo'y go'shtini kiyish uchun ip mashinasi, mol go'shti kiyish uchun ip mashinasi, ko'p funktsiyali sabzavot kesish mashinasi, oziq-ovqat mahsulotlarini qadoqlash mashinasi, Xitoy zavodi, yetkazib beruvchi, ishlab chiqaruvchi, ulgurji sotuvchi