- 26
- Jan
Мере предострожности за одржавање резача говедине и овчетине
Мере предострожности за одржавање резача говедине и овчетине
Before operating large equipment, there will be special training and learning time. After the training is qualified, you can start operation. The small beef and mutton slicer we use requires training before using it. Use it in strict accordance with the operating instructions. To be familiar with its maintenance work, let’s look at the regular maintenance work of the equipment.
1. Препоручује се обучавање специјализованог особља које ће бити одговорно за свакодневни рад апарата за резање говедине и овчетине. Ако особа нема основно разумевање принципа рада и радних корака опреме за резање говедине и овчетине, тешко је правилно управљати резачем. Опремом мора руковати и њоме управљати посебна особа.
2. Handling of emergency situations: If an accident occurs during the operation of the beef and mutton slicer equipment, cut off the power as soon as possible, turn off the switch, and then carefully check and analyze the problem, solve the problem, and avoid rushing.
Regular maintenance of beef and mutton slicing machine can not only improve work efficiency, but also prevent equipment failures and solve problems in advance, thereby prolonging the use time of beef and mutton slicing machine.