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Precautions for maintenance of beef and mutton slicer

Чораҳои эҳтиётӣ барои нигоҳубин  буридани гӯшти гов ва гӯсфанд

1. It is recommended to train specialized personnel to be responsible for the daily operation of the beef and mutton slicer. If a person lacks a basic understanding of the working principle and operating steps of the beef and mutton slicer equipment, it is difficult to operate the slicer correctly. The equipment must be handled and operated by a dedicated person.

2. Emergency handling: If an accident occurs during the operation of the beef and mutton slicer equipment, cut off the power supply as soon as possible, turn off the switch, and then carefully check and analyze the problem, solve the problem, and avoid rushing.

Precautions for maintenance of beef and mutton slicer-Буридани барра, буридани гӯшти гов, мошини ресмони пӯшидани гӯшти гов/гӯсфанд, мошини ресмони пӯшидани гӯшти гов, буридани бисёрфунксионалии сабзавот, мошини бастабандии хӯрокворӣ, заводи чинӣ, таъминкунанда, истеҳсолкунанда, яклухтфурӯш