- 22
- Feb
Reasons for the high starting frequency of beef and mutton slicer
Reasons for the high starting frequency of mol go’shti va qo’y go’shtini maydalagich
1. Mol go’shti va qo’y go’shtini kesishning boshlang’ich chastotasi juda yuqori bo’lmasligi kerak. Buning sababi, ishga tushirilganda qurilmaning tezligi nolga teng. Ishga tushirish jarayonida elektromagnit moment nafaqat yuk qarshiligi momentini, balki dumaloq qismning inertsiya niqobini ham engadi. Shuning uchun, ishga tushirishda uskunaning yuki ketma-ket ishlardan ko’ra og’irroqdir.
2. Puls chastotasi juda yuqori va rotorning tezligi stator magnit maydonining aylanish tezligiga mos kela olmaydi, bu esa uskunaning ishga tushmasligiga olib keladi.
3. The starting frequency of various beef and mutton slicers is different. Many beef and mutton slicers with high starting frequency use dual-voltage operation, that is, the start changes from high voltage to low pressure instantly, and the smaller the step distance, the more suitable the high frequency starting. The larger the value, the more suitable for high-frequency operation.
4 . The frequency should be gradually increased after the slicer is started.