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Reasons for the high starting frequency of beef and mutton slicer

Reasons for the high starting frequency of inyama yenkomo kunye nenyama yegusha

1. Ukuqala rhoqo kwenyama yenkomo kunye ne-mutton slicer akufanele kube phezulu kakhulu. Oku kungenxa yokuba isantya sesixhobo sithi zero xa siqaliswa. Ngexesha lenkqubo yokuqala, i-torque ye-electromagnetic ayipheleli nje ekunqobeni i-torque yokumelana nomthwalo, kodwa iphinda inqobe imaski ye-inertia yecandelo elijikelezayo. Ngoko ke, umthwalo wezixhobo xa uqala unzima kunomsebenzi olandelelanayo.

2. I-pulse frequency iphezulu kakhulu, kwaye isantya se-rotor asikwazi ukugcina kunye nesantya sokujikeleza kwe-stator magnetic field, ebangela ukuba izixhobo zingaphumeleli ukuqala.

3. The starting frequency of various beef and mutton slicers is different. Many beef and mutton slicers with high starting frequency use dual-voltage operation, that is, the start changes from high voltage to low pressure instantly, and the smaller the step distance, the more suitable the high frequency starting. The larger the value, the more suitable for high-frequency operation.

4 . The frequency should be gradually increased after the slicer is started.

Reasons for the high starting frequency of beef and mutton slicer-Lamb slicer, beef slicer, lamb/mutton wear string machine, beef wear string machine, Multifunctional vegetable cutter, Food packaging machine, China factory, supplier, manufacturer, wholesaler