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Perbedaan antara alat pengiris daging beku 12 inci dan 10 inci

Perbedaan antara alat pengiris daging beku 12 inci dan 10 inci

The requirement of the alat pengiris daging beku is that the meat has a certain degree of hardness. We can freeze the meat to make the meat harder, so that when cutting, we can cut a lot of sliced meat, and this kind of meat will taste good when cooked. Fortunately, the commonly used sizes are 12 inches and 10 inches. What are the differences between them?

1. The 12-inch frozen meat slicer can cut 12-inch meat slices up to 12 inches in size, and 10-inch meat slices can only cut up to 10 inches.

2, the size is different, the price is different, the 12 inch is bigger than the 10 inch.

3. Harganya berbeda: pengiris daging beku 12 inci lebih mahal daripada 10 inci.

4 and 12 inches can cut more rolls than 10 inches.

Dari luar, alat pengiris daging beku 12 inci lebih besar dari alat pengiris 10 inci, tetapi melalui perbandingan di atas, ditemukan perbedaan lain di antara mereka. Hal ini menuntut kita untuk memilih dari berbagai sudut. , Pilih pemotong yang tepat.

Perbedaan antara alat pengiris daging beku 12 inci dan 10 inci-Alat pengiris domba, alat pengiris daging sapi, mesin senar aus domba / kambing, mesin senar aus daging sapi, pemotong sayur multifungsi, mesin pengemas makanan, pabrik China, pemasok, produsen, grosir