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的要求 冷凍肉切片機 is that the meat has a certain degree of hardness. We can freeze the meat to make the meat harder, so that when cutting, we can cut a lot of sliced meat, and this kind of meat will taste good when cooked. Fortunately, the commonly used sizes are 12 inches and 10 inches. What are the differences between them?

1. The 12-inch frozen meat slicer can cut 12-inch meat slices up to 12 inches in size, and 10-inch meat slices can only cut up to 10 inches.

2, the size is different, the price is different, the 12 inch is bigger than the 10 inch.


4 and 12 inches can cut more rolls than 10 inches.

從外觀上看,12寸的凍肉切片機比10寸的切片機要大一些,但是通過上面的對比,發現它們還有其他的不同。 這就需要我們從不同的角度進行選擇。 , 選擇合適的切片機。
