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How is the grinding wheel of the frozen meat slicer installed?

How is the grinding wheel of the chando chekucheka nyama yakaiswa?

1. Sezvo kupfekwa kwedenderedzwa rekunze kwebanga kunodzikira, kureba kwekugadzika kwegumbo rekukuya nyama yakaomeswa kunodzikiswa zvakare, uye zvichiri kuvimbiswa kuti denderedzwa rekunze rebanga rinopinda mukati mevhiri rekukuya. kusvika 2 ~ 4mm. Kana banga richitenderera, tenderedza banga rinorodza richienda newachi kuti vhiri rekukuya risendeke kuseri kwebanga, uye banga rinotyaira vhiri rekukuya kuti ritenderere nekumhanya kukuru. Sparks inogadzirwa panguva yekurodza. Izvi zvakajairika, ndiko kuti, kurodza otomatiki.

2.Pay attention to the sharpening process during the knife sharpening. Turn the knife sharpening button counterclockwise to move the grinding wheel away from the knife, turn off the frozen meat slicer switch to stop the knife rotation, and observe the knife sharpening effect when the knife is still. Repeat the above process until the knife is sharpened. During the sharpening process, the force of rotating the knife sharpening knob should not be too strong, just generate sparks. Excessive force may cause the grinding wheel to rupture and cause an accident.

How is the grinding wheel of the frozen meat slicer installed?-Chicheka chegwayana, chekucheka nyama yemombe, muchina wetambo wegwayana/gwayana, muchina wetambo unopfeka nyama yemombe, Mucheka wakawanda wemuriwo unocheka, Muchina wekurongedza chikafu, China fekitori, mutengesi, mugadziri, mutengesi