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How is the grinding wheel of the frozen meat slicer installed?

How is the grinding wheel of the umkhenkce wokusika inyama ifakiwe?

1. Njengoko ukunxiba kwesangqa sangaphandle somese kuncipha, ukuphakama kokufakwa kwevili lokugaya inyama ekhenkceziweyo kuncitshisiwe, kwaye kusaqinisekiswa ukuba isangqa sangaphandle somela singena kwisangqa sangaphakathi sevili lokugaya. nge 2~4mm. Xa imela ijikeleza, jikelisa imela lokulola ngasekunene ukuze wenze ivili lokusila lincike ngasemva kwimela, kwaye imela iya kuqhuba ivili lokusila ukuze lijikeleze ngesantya esiphezulu. Iintlantsi ziveliswa ngexesha lenkqubo yokulola. Oku kuqhelekile, oko kukuthi, ukulola okuzenzekelayo.

2.Pay attention to the sharpening process during the knife sharpening. Turn the knife sharpening button counterclockwise to move the grinding wheel away from the knife, turn off the frozen meat slicer switch to stop the knife rotation, and observe the knife sharpening effect when the knife is still. Repeat the above process until the knife is sharpened. During the sharpening process, the force of rotating the knife sharpening knob should not be too strong, just generate sparks. Excessive force may cause the grinding wheel to rupture and cause an accident.

How is the grinding wheel of the frozen meat slicer installed?-Lamb slicer, beef slicer, lamb/mutton wear string machine, beef wear string machine, Multifunctional vegetable cutter, Food packaging machine, China factory, supplier, manufacturer, wholesaler