- 07
- Apr
Matters needing attention after the beef and mutton slicer is completed
Matters needing attention after the mol go’shti va qo’y go’shtini maydalagich yakunlanadi
1. Rotate the hand wheel to directly raise the specimen clamp to a higher position, and turn the hand wheel to stop the handle, and lock both the specimen clamp and the hand wheel.
2. Kesish pichog’ini to’g’ridan-to’g’ri mol go’shti va qo’y go’shti kesgichning pichoq ushlagichidan olib tashlang, uni tozalang va pichoq qutisiga joylashtiring.
3. Namunani to’g’ridan-to’g’ri namuna ushlagichidan olib tashlang.
4. Dilimlarning qoldiqlarini tozalang.
5. Butun mol go’shti va qo’y go’shtini maydalagichni tozalang.