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How to use the frozen meat slicer to cut meat correctly [meat cutting steps]

How to use the frozen meat slicer to cut meat correctly [meat cutting steps]

Operate in accordance with the correct meat cutting method, so that the frozen meat slicer can be used more smoothly, and the cut meat rolls have better effect. The meat rolls can be cut in a short time. The correct meat cutting steps are as follows:

1. Angkat rak penet daging menyang pucuk ndhuwur operator daging lan nguripake metu, lan gantung ing pin ndhuwur operator daging.

2. Gently place the meat pieces of suitable hardness in the meat table of the frozen meat slicer.

3. Press the meat press on the top of the meat block. If the meat is long, it is not necessary to press the meat press. When the meat is cut to the right length, press the meat press on the top of the meat block.

4. Pisanan nguripake piso lan nguripake saklar kanggo mindhah saklar munggah, banjur nguripake saklar pangiriman daging, pisanan Cut sawetara irisan-irisan, mateni saklar pangiriman daging saka slicer daging beku kanggo mirsani apa kekandelan saka meat irisan-irisan cocok, yen cocok, mindhah ngalih pangiriman meat munggah menyang posisi on Banjur Cut daging terus-terusan, mungkasi nglereni meat pisanan, mungkasi ngalih meat, lan banjur mungkasi piso kanggo nguripake ngalih.

5. Use the top meat rod to gently hold the meat. Use the top meat rod locking button to fix the top meat rod.

6. The frozen meat slicer is a drip-proof structure. When the work is finished, unplug the power plug and remove the oil from the minced meat on the machine. It is strictly forbidden to directly rinse with water. The high efficiency of the meat slicer is indispensable for making hot pot. It is a food machinery and equipment commonly used for cooking meals.

frozen meat slicing machine can not and achieve better meat roll cutting effect. In addition to the correct operation of the equipment, the softness and hardness of the meat will also affect its slicing effect, so you should pay attention to it.

How to use the frozen meat slicer to cut meat correctly [meat cutting steps]-Pengiris daging domba, pengiris daging sapi, mesin tali domba / daging kambing, mesin tali daging sapi, pemotong sayuran multifungsi, mesin kemasan pangan, pabrik China, pemasok, produsen, grosir