- 15
- Apr
Assembling the reamer of the mutton slicer
Assembling the reamer of the مٽيءَ جو ٽڪر
In the cold winter, hot hot pot is everyone’s favorite, and hot pot is inseparable from the mutton slicer. The function of the cutter is to cut the mutton into meat rolls. Its assembly can be carried out according to the following methods:
The cutter blade is installed along the cutter transfer. The reamer is made of tool steel, and the blade needs to be sharp. After a period of use, the blade becomes blunt. At this time, the blade should be replaced or re-grinded, otherwise it will affect the cutting efficiency of the lamb slicer, and it may make some boring instead of shredding. After discharge, it is discharged into a slurry after squeezing and grinding, which directly affects the quality of the finished product.
مٽين جي سلائيسر جي ريمر کي گڏ ڪرڻ يا تبديل ڪرڻ کان پوء، تيز ڪرڻ واري نٽ کي مضبوط ڪيو وڃي ته پڪ سان پڪڙي وڃي ته گريٽنگ حرڪت نه ڪري، ٻي صورت ۾ گريٽنگ جي حرڪت ۽ ريمر جي گردش جي وچ ۾ لاڳاپا حرڪت پڻ مواد جي پيسڻ جو سبب بڻجندي. . اثر. ريمر کي گريٽنگ سان ويجهي رابطي ۾ هجڻ گهرجي، ٻي صورت ۾ اهو مٽن سلائيسر جي ڪٽڻ جي ڪارڪردگي کي متاثر ڪندو.
The reamer is the main component of the mutton slicer, which plays the role of cutting mutton slices. It should be assembled in accordance with the regulations, so that the screws on it are tightened, so that the reamer is fixed on the slicer for a long time.