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Steps for slicing meat with mutton roll slicer

Steps for slicing meat with krájač na baranie rolky

1. Zdvihnite stojan na lis na mäso k hornému koncu plošiny na mäso, otočte ho a zaveste na kolík na hornom konci plošiny na mäso.

2. Gently place the meat pieces of suitable hardness in the meat platform.

3. Stlačte lis na mäso na vrch bloku mäsa. Ak je mäso dlhé, nemôžete stlačiť lis na mäso. Keď je mäso nakrájané na správnu dĺžku, stlačte mäsový lis na vrch mäsa.

4. Open the knife and turn the switch to turn the switch up, then turn on the meat feed switch, cut a few pieces first, turn off the meat feed switch to observe whether the thickness of the meat slices is appropriate (the mutton roll slicer needs to be adjusted: press “3” to adjust the thickness) , If appropriate, turn the meat feed switch up to the ON position to cut meat continuously, stop cutting the meat first, stop the meat feed switch, and then stop the knife to turn the switch.

5. Gently press the meat block with the top meat rod.

6. Use the top meat rod locking button to fix the top meat rod.

7. This mutton roll slicing machine is a drip-proof structure. When the work is over, unplug the power plug and remove the minced meat oil on the machine. It is strictly forbidden to rinse it directly with water.

Steps for slicing meat with mutton roll slicer-Krájač na jahňacie mäso, krájač na hovädzie mäso, stroj na opotrebenie jahňacieho / baranieho mäsa, stroj na opotrebenie hovädzieho mäsa, multifunkčný rezač zeleniny, stroj na balenie potravín, čínska továreň, dodávateľ, výrobca, veľkoobchodník