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Habka qalliinka saxda ah ee jarjarista hilibka barafaysan

The correct operating sequence of the jarjar hilib barafaysan

1. Manually push the stage of the frozen meat slicer to the top, loosen the locking handle, pull it to the outside, and at the same time push the press block to the upper end and fix it.

2. Dhig hilibka lagu farsameeyo masraxa, fiiro gaar ah u yeelo tallaabada meelaynta si aad uga fogaato qallafsanaanta saxaaradda, ku riix gacanta dhinaca bidix ee hilibka, ka taxaddar inaadan aad u riixin, taasoo keenaysa in hilibku aanu simbiriirin. si xor ah, u rog rogida saxafada Dusha sare ee hilibka.

3. Hagaajin xajinta hagaajinta dhumucda hilibka jarjaran ee barafaysan ilaa dhumucda hilibka la warshadayn doono loo baahan yahay.

4. Turn on the power switch, the blade starts to run, pay attention to whether the blade rotation direction is correct, and whether there is abnormal friction noise.

5. Start the clutch switch of the frozen meat slicer, and the stage begins to reciprocate for normal processing. Be sure to pull the clutch switch to the end, and it is forbidden to use the semi-clutch state.

Habka qalliinka saxda ah ee jarjarista hilibka barafaysan-Lamb slicer, beef slicer, lamb/mutton wear string machine, beef wear string machine, Multifunctional vegetable cutter, Food packaging machine, China factory, supplier, manufacturer, wholesaler