- 23
- Mar
Muzlatilgan go’shtni kesish uchun qo’lda pichoqni o’tkirlash usuli
Manual knife sharpening method for muzlatilgan go’sht kesish mashinasi
1. Tegirmonni ishqalanish paytida silliqlashning oldini olish va ta’sirga ta’sir qilish uchun yuqori ishqalanishli joyga qo’ying.
2. If you only use a grindstone for polishing, sometimes the polishing will be very slow and the effect is not very good, so you can drop a small amount of dilute lubricating oil or liquid paraffin on it and wipe it evenly to increase the friction coefficient and accelerate the friction speed.
3. When the frozen meat slicer is sharpening the knife, the handle and the knife clamp should be installed on the slicer so that the blade is forward and placed flat on the grindstone surface.
4. When sharpening the knife, the fingers should keep the correct position so that the force is even and easy to slide. The blade is facing the front of the sharpener, and the slicing knife is obliquely advanced from the lower right corner of the grindstone to the upper left corner of the grindstone to the heel of the knife. , And then flip and sharpen the knife back and forth according to this step.
5. Pichoqda bo’shliq mavjud bo’lsa, bo’shliqni maydalashni davom ettirish uchun yuqoridagi jarayonni bajaring va yana bir oz ko’proq shikastlangan muzlatilgan go’shtni kesish pichoqlari uchun silliqlash uchun ikki xil maydalagichdan foydalanish kerak. Endi qo’pol maydalagich katta bo’shliq bilan maydalanadi. To’kib tashlang, so’ngra pichoqni mayda maydalagichga o’tkirlang.