- 14
- Mar
Maitiro ekugadzirisa banga rakatenderedza reyakaomeswa nyama slicer mushure mekunge yapfekwa
How to adjust the round knife of the chando chekucheka nyama after it is worn
1. Kugadziriswa kwendiro yekugadzirisa ukobvu:
Sunungura mabhaudhi maviri ekukiya. Iyo gobvu inogadzirisa ndiro inofanira kunge iri padyo nebanga rakatenderedza, uye gaka riri pakati peblade nebanga rinofanira kunge riri 1 kusvika 2 mm. Simbisa mabhaudhi.
2. Adjustment of the meat table of the frozen meat slicer:
Sunungura mabhaudhi maviri ekukiya. Fambisa tsigiro yekutakura nyama kurudyi. Simbisa mabhaudhi maviri.
3. Adjust the gap between the round knife of the frozen meat slicer and the meat loading table:
Loosen the big nut, and take it upwards. Loosen the locking screw. Adjust the screw to adjust the gap between the round knife and the meat carrier, and then tighten the locking screw. Install the meat loading table, confirm that the gap between the circular knife and the meat loading table is 3 to 4 mm, and adjust it to a good condition. Tighten the locking screw.
4. Kugadziridzwa kwechidimbu kweanorodza enyama yakaomeswa slicer:
The round knife is worn and the diameter becomes smaller, so the sharpener should be lowered.
After the round knife of the frozen meat slicer is worn, you can adjust it according to the above methods, such as the adjustment plate and other parts, especially the more important adjustments that are in contact with the meat, so that the efficiency will be improved when it is used.