- 11
- Feb
Muzlatilgan go’sht kesgichni pichoqli passivatsiya qilish uchun davolash usuli
Treatment method for blade passivation of muzlatilgan go’sht kesish mashinasi
1. Oldinga siljiydigan o’tkirlash usuli tezroq va samaraliroq. Dilimlash pichog’ini jilolang. Molga tayyorlang.
2. Barmoqlar muzlatilgan go’sht kesgichning to’g’ri holatida bo’lishi kerak, shunda kuch barqaror va siljish oson bo’ladi. O’ng qo’lingiz bilan pichoqning dastasini, chap qo’lingiz bilan pichoq ushlagichini ushlang.
3. Pichoq o’tkirlashtiruvchining old tomoniga qaraydi va kesish pichog’i maydalagichning pastki o’ng burchagidan silliqlash asbobiga aylanadi.
4. Move the upper left corner of the stone obliquely to the heel of the knife, and turn the blade from above; the blade holder cannot leave the stone when turning, and the blade faces the sharpener. Move the blade laterally so that the edge of the blade of the frozen meat slicer is located at the center of the front end of the grindstone, and pulls diagonally backward.
5. The blade rotates again from above, and the knife moves laterally, so that the slicing knife is in the original position on the grinding surface. The slicing knife should be in full contact with the grindstone and reused. During the grinding process, the left and right hands evenly press the entire blade to avoid tilting and prevent greasy fingers from slipping off the surface of the blade.