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The correct way to cut meat with a lamb slicer

The correct way to cut meat with a ڍڳي ڪٽڻ وارو

1. گوشت جي پريس واري ريڪ کي گوشت جي پليٽ فارم جي مٿين پڇاڙيءَ تائين اٿو ۽ ان کي ٻاھر ڪڍو، ۽ ان کي گوشت جي پليٽ فارم جي مٿئين پاسي واري پن تي لٽڪايو.

2. گوشت جي بلاڪ جي چوٽي تي گوشت جي پريس کي دٻايو. جيڪڏهن گوشت ڊگهو آهي، توهان گوشت کي دٻائي نه ٿا سگهو. جڏهن گوشت صحيح لمبائي تي ڪٽي وڃي، گوشت جي چوٽي تي گوشت جي پريس کي دٻايو.

3. Open the knife and turn the switch to move the switch upward, then turn on the meat feed switch, cut a few pieces first, turn off the meat feed switch of the mutton slicer to observe whether the thickness of the meat slices is appropriate, if so, turn the meat feed switch upward to the ON position Continuously cut meat, stop cutting the meat first, stop the meat feed switch, and then stop the knife and turn the switch.

4. Press the meat stick gently against the meat.

5. مٿئين گوشت جي راڊ کي ٺيڪ ڪرڻ لاءِ مٿين گوشت جي راڊ کي لاڪ ڪرڻ واري بٽڻ کي استعمال ڪريو.

6. The mutton slicer is a drip-proof structure. When the work is over, unplug the power plug and remove the minced meat oil on the machine. It is strictly forbidden to rinse it directly with water.

The correct way to cut meat with a lamb slicer-Lamb slicer, beef slicer, lamb/mutton wear string machine, beef wear string machine, Multifunctional vegetable cutter, Food packaging machine, China factory, supplier, manufacturer, wholesaler