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How to judge whether the frozen meat slicer should replace the blade or sharpen the knife?

Sida loo xukumo in jarjar hilib barafaysan should replace the blade or sharpen the knife?

1. The thickness of the meat slices cut by the frozen meat slicer is uneven; there are many fragments during the slicing process.

2. During the slicing process, the meat does not eat a knife, and the meat is cut across the surface of the blade without being sliced.

3. Manually press the meat to slice normally. During the sharpening process, turn off the machine from time to time to check whether the blade of the frozen meat slicer is sharpened to avoid excessive sharpening.

Marka la gooyo hilibka mustaqbalka, haddii xaaladaha kor ku xusan ay dhacaan, waxay la macno tahay inaan u baahanahay inaan bedelno daabka. Haddii saamayntu aanay wali muuqan ka dib markaad afaysato mindida, ka dibna ka fiirso inaad beddesho daabka si aad cilad uga saarto jeex-jeexaha hilibka barafaysan.

How to judge whether the frozen meat slicer should replace the blade or sharpen the knife?-Lamb slicer, beef slicer, lamb/mutton wear string machine, beef wear string machine, Multifunctional vegetable cutter, Food packaging machine, China factory, supplier, manufacturer, wholesaler