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Beef and mutton slicer’s vacuum requirements

Beef and mutton slicer’s vacuum requirements

Nowadays, in order to keep the beef and буридани гӯшти гӯсфанд fresh, to keep the machine clean and prevent food hygiene caused by the influence of bacteria, the machine needs vacuum packaging. What are its requirements for vacuum?

1. Air-seal is performed on the beef and mutton slicing machine. The air in the packaging container is pumped out by a vacuum pump. After reaching a certain degree of vacuum, it is immediately sealed, and the vacuum tumbler makes the packaging container a vacuum. The former is to heat the container filled with the beef and mutton slicer, expel the air from the packaging container through thermal expansion of the air and evaporation of moisture in the food, and then seal and cool the packaging container to form a certain degree of vacuum.

2. Дар муқоиса бо усули гармидиҳӣ ва ихроҷ, усули истихроҷи ҳаво ва мӯҳри гӯшти гов ва гӯсфанд метавонад вақти гармкунии мундариҷаро кам кунад ва ранг ва бӯи ғизоро беҳтар нигоҳ дорад. Аз ин рӯ, усули истихроҷ ва мӯҳр кардани ҳаво васеътар истифода мешавад, махсусан он барои гарм кардани маҳсулот бо интиқоли сусти ихроҷ мувофиқтар аст.

beef and mutton slicer has a certain degree of vacuum, which not only keeps the equipment clean and hygienic, but also benefits the efficient use of the equipment. The vacuum-packed machine is suitable for long-term use.

Beef and mutton slicer’s vacuum requirements-Буридани барра, буридани гӯшти гов, мошини ресмони пӯшидани гӯшти гов/гӯсфанд, мошини ресмони пӯшидани гӯшти гов, буридани бисёрфунксионалии сабзавот, мошини бастабандии хӯрокворӣ, заводи чинӣ, таъминкунанда, истеҳсолкунанда, яклухтфурӯш