- 17
- Oct
How to choose the right frozen meat slicer
Qanday qilib to’g’ri tanlash kerak muzlatilgan go’sht kesish mashinasi
1. Katta miqyosdagi oziq-ovqat fabrikalari muzlatilgan go’shtni suyaksiz katta miqdorda saqlashi mumkin, chunki sovuqxona. Kesish kerak bo’lganda, muzlatilgan go’shtni katta bo’laklarga bo’linib, to’g’ridan-to’g’ri maydalash va aralashtirish uchun muzlatilgan go’shtni kesish mashinasini tanlashingiz kerak. .
2. To cut fresh meat or micro-frozen meat at -5℃, choose a cantilever frozen meat slicer. It has a good effect on slicing large pieces of meat without bones. Generally, slices of more than 3 mm are cut with uniform thickness and no sticking. Because the blade of the slicer is specially customized, that is, sharp and durable, with reasonable structure and long service life. The thickness of the meat slices can be changed according to the product requirements. The cut pieces of meat are smooth, tidy and uniform in thickness, without damage, and the effect is very good.