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羊肉切片机 锐化步骤

1. 将磨刀器放在粗糙的表面上,放在试验台上,使其在磨刀过程中不会移动。


3. Install the handle and clip of the mutton slicer on the slicing knife with the blade forward, flat on the grindstone, and the heel of the knife is roughly in the center of the grindstone.

4、打磨时,手指要保持正确的位置,使用力均匀,便于滑动。 右手握住刀柄,左手握住刀壳。 下角的刀端向磨石的左上角斜前推至刀跟,刀口从上方翻转; 翻转时刀架不能与石头分离,此时刀刃正对着磨刀器。 横向移动刀,使鞋跟的刀片位于磨石前端的中心,然后将其沿对角线拉回。 此时将刀片倒置,横向移动刀,使切片刀在磨面上处于原来的位置。 如此一来,每次完成有八个动作,切片刀要与磨石充分接触,要反复进行。 磨刀时,左右手均匀按压整个刀片,避免倾斜,防止油腻的手指从刀片表面滑落。

5. The above process continues until the notch is removed. For the slicing knife with large damage, two kinds of grinding stones must be used. Grind the large gap on the coarse grinding stone, and then sharpen it on the fine grinding stone. The forward-thrusting knife sharpening method has faster friction and higher efficiency. It only takes about 20 minutes for a dull slicing knife to sharpen. Then you can prepare the knives.
