- 19
- Apr
Cara kanggo ngadili efek ngiris daging sapi lan daging kambing
Carane ngadili efek slicing saka slicer daging sapi lan wedhus
1. Distinguish by the softness of the meat slice: each part of the hand-pressed meat slice should not be elastic, and the meat slice should not be erected at one end of the hand, and the upper end will automatically hang down.
2. Lumahing irisan-irisan daging sing dipotong nganggo irisan daging sapi lan daging kambing kudu ditutupi kanthi rata dening gel, lan wangun lan werna irisan daging kudu katon kanthi jelas. Temenan ana perasaan “lembek”, nanging ora lembek.
3. Lumahing irisan daging kudu lengket banget. Lem loro potongan cilik daging bebarengan, angkat siji, lan liyane ora bakal tiba langsung.
4. Use a knife to cut any piece of meat with the same color inside and outside. Meeting the above conditions shows that the processing effect of the beef and mutton slicer is relatively good.
By observing the color, shape, surface, etc. of the cut meat, you can see how effective the beef and mutton slicer is. By the way, it is convenient to judge how the machine is used and whether there are other malfunctions.