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Steps for sharpening the blade of the lamb slicer

Steps for sharpening the blade of the pangiris domba:

1. Nempatkeun sabeulah dina bangku test kasar meh moal ngajalankeun salila prosés grinding.

2. Tambahkeun jumlah luyu minyak lubricating éncér atawa parafin cair dina beungeut batu grinding sarta nyebarkeun eta merata pikeun ngaronjatkeun dénsitas gesekan.

3. Install the knife handle and knife holder on the slicing knife so that the blade is forward and lay flat on the grinding stone surface.

Throughout the sharpening process, the worker’s hand should be kept in place with even force and easy sliding. Usually, grab the handle part of the mutton slicer blade with the right hand, hold the knife shell with the left hand, the blade is facing the front of the sharpener, and push the slicing knife diagonally forward from the lower right corner of the grindstone to the upper left corner of the grindstone. To the heel of the knife, turn the blade over from above.

Ogé nengetan flatness tina sabeulah slicer domba. Dina prosés nyiksikan sabenerna, tengah sabeulah dipaké pisan, sarta maké jeung cimata serius, jadi lamun ngasah péso, nengetan kasaimbangan slicer daging domba, ku kituna pikeun nyegah agul ti ngabentuk sabit. bentukna saatos lami dianggo, anu bakal mangaruhan kualitas potongan. Dina prosés ngasah péso, nengetan perhatian sedeng, sarta nengetan kiyeu sabeulah tina slicer mutton salila Asah terus-terusan.

Steps for sharpening the blade of the lamb slicer-Pengiris Domba, Pengiris Sapi, Mesin Senar Domba/Kambing, Mesin Senar Daging Sapi, Pemotong Sayur Multifungsi, Mesin Pembungkus Makanan, Pabrik Cina, Pemasok, Pabrikan, Grosir