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How to keep the frozen meat before using the frozen meat slicer

How to keep the frozen meat before using the chando chekucheka nyama

1. Before using the frozen meat slicer, keep the food in the 0 degree heat preservation area at 0 ℃, without freezing, and no nutrition loss. It can store fresh meat for 1-2 days for a short period of time, which can not only keep the food well No nutrition is lost, and it can maintain a fresh taste; in the freezing temperature zone of -18~-21℃, meat and other foods can be stored for a longer time, the freezing speed is fast, and the freezing is longer.

2. Chechipiri, dzimwe nzira dzechivanhu dzekuchengetedza nyama dzinogona kushandiswa. Rega nyama yakanyungudutswa yekucheka nyama icheke nyama zvakanyanya, uye iise mufiriji pakupisa kwakadzika, kuitira kuti nyama irege kuparara kwenguva pfupi pasi pe0 ° C.

When meat is in a certain frozen state, the meat slices cut by the frozen meat slicer are more uniform, and the thickness is even. Fresh frozen meat is not only easy to cut with the slicer, but also good for health when eating.

How to keep the frozen meat before using the frozen meat slicer-Chicheka chegwayana, chekucheka nyama yemombe, muchina wetambo wegwayana/gwayana, muchina wetambo unopfeka nyama yemombe, Mucheka wakawanda wemuriwo unocheka, Muchina wekurongedza chikafu, China fekitori, mutengesi, mugadziri, mutengesi