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Operation details of mutton slicer in use

Operation details of feliere de oaie in folosinta

1. Strictly check whether the wiring is correct according to the wiring diagram of the frozen meat slicer and mutton slicer, whether the manual control of the jog and stop control is correct and reliable, and check whether the running direction of the main motor is correct.

2. Uleiul de lubrifiere trebuie adăugat la cutia de viteze reductoră a roții de tracțiune, nivelul uleiului trebuie menținut în planul superior al melcului, iar rezervorul de ulei hidraulic trebuie adăugat cu ulei hidraulic anti-uzură pe linia de nivel a uleiului. .

3. Connect all the oil pipes according to the working principle, and only after confirming that there are no abnormal phenomena such as obstructions in the system of each component, can start the frozen meat slicer and mutton slicer for a test run.

4. Meat food must be frozen and hardened moderately, generally above “-6 ℃”, and should not be over-frozen. If the meat is too hard, it should be thawed first, and the meat should not contain bones to avoid damage to the blade.

5. Grosimea feliilor de carne se regleaza prin adaugarea sau reducerea garniturii din spatele lamei. Înainte de utilizare, vă rugăm să aruncați puțin ulei de gătit în canalul de alunecare pentru a reduce frecarea.

6. The knife handle in the right hand must be moved vertically up and down, and cannot be broken to the left (the direction of the meat block) during the movement, which will cause the knife to deform.

7. If the knife slips and cannot hold the meat after cutting a few hundred pounds, it means that the knife has stopped, and it should be sharpened.

Operation details of mutton slicer in use-Tăiător de miel, mașină de tăiat carne de vită, mașină de uzură de miel / oaie, mașină de tăiat carne de vită, tăietor de legume multifuncțional, mașină de ambalat alimente, fabrică din China, furnizor, producător, angrosist