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Struktur dhasar saka daging sapi lan mutton slicer

Struktur dhasar saka daging sapi lan mutton slicer

Nowadays, the development of the catering industry is more and more extensive. Hot pot is a food that everyone likes very much. The beef and mutton slicer is inseparable to make delicious hot pot. With this equipment, thin and delicious beef and mutton slices can be cut. Of course, it is also compatible with Its structure is inseparable.

1. Beef and mutton slicing machine is mainly composed of a cutting mechanism, a motor, a transmission mechanism and a feeding mechanism. The motor is used as a power source, and the bidirectional cutting blades of the cutting machine rotate oppositely through the transmission mechanism to cut the meat supplied by the feeding mechanism. . The meat can be cut into regular knives, shreds and granules according to the cooking process requirements.

2. Mesin pemotong minangka mekanisme kerja utama pemotong daging sapi lan daging kambing. Amarga tektur daging seger alus lan serat otot ora gampang dipotong, sampeyan kudu nggunakake set pisau pemotong sing kasusun saka blades bunder coaxial, yaiku set pisau pemotong sing madhep biaxial.

3. Rong set blades bunder saka set piso sing podo karo arah sumbu. Agul-agul sing staggered karo jumlah cilik saka misalignment. Saben pasangan blades bunder misaligned mbentuk pesawat saka pasangan nglereni. Rong set saka lading mimpin dening pindah ing poros utama kanggo nggawe loro shafts. Klompok piso ndhuwur muter ing arah ngelawan. Kekandelan saka irisan meat wis menthekake dening nyetel longkangan antarane lading babak saka daging sapi lan mutton slicer, lan longkangan iki ditemtokake dening kekandelan saka spacer dipencet antarane saben agul-agul babak. Irisan daging saka macem-macem kekandelan bisa dipotong kanthi ngganti gasket utawa kabeh mekanisme pemotongan.

The basic structure of the beef and mutton slicing machine is mainly composed of the cutting part, that is, the blade, as well as the numerical control system, the transmission mechanism and other components. Through the numerical control method, the function of the equipment to cut beef and mutton slices is realized. Before using it, you can understand its Structure, so that the equipment can be used more efficiently.

Struktur dhasar saka daging sapi lan mutton slicer-Pengiris daging domba, pengiris daging sapi, mesin tali domba / daging kambing, mesin tali daging sapi, pemotong sayuran multifungsi, mesin kemasan pangan, pabrik China, pemasok, produsen, grosir