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Mol va qo’y go’shti to’g’ragichning asosiy tuzilishi

Mol va qo’y go’shti to’g’ragichning asosiy tuzilishi

Nowadays, the development of the catering industry is more and more extensive. Hot pot is a food that everyone likes very much. The beef and mutton slicer is inseparable to make delicious hot pot. With this equipment, thin and delicious beef and mutton slices can be cut. Of course, it is also compatible with Its structure is inseparable.

1. Beef and mutton slicing machine is mainly composed of a cutting mechanism, a motor, a transmission mechanism and a feeding mechanism. The motor is used as a power source, and the bidirectional cutting blades of the cutting machine rotate oppositely through the transmission mechanism to cut the meat supplied by the feeding mechanism. . The meat can be cut into regular knives, shreds and granules according to the cooking process requirements.

2. Kesish mashinasi mol va qo’y go’shti kesish mashinasining asosiy ish mexanizmi hisoblanadi. Yangi go’shtning tuzilishi yumshoq va mushak tolalarini kesish oson emasligi sababli, koaksiyal dumaloq pichoqlardan tashkil topgan kesish pichog’i to’plamini qabul qilish kerak, bu ikki o’qli yuzli kesish pichoqlari to’plamidir.

3. Pichoq to’plamining dumaloq pichoqlarining ikkita to’plami eksenel yo’nalishda parallel. Pichoqlar kichik hajmdagi noto’g’ri hizalanish bilan stacked. Noto’g’ri tekislangan dumaloq pichoqlarning har bir jufti kesish juftlari to’plamini hosil qiladi. Ikkita pichoqlar to’plami ikkita o’qni yasash uchun asosiy mildagi tishli mexanizm tomonidan boshqariladi. Yuqori pichoq guruhi qarama-qarshi yo’nalishda aylanadi. Go’sht bo’lagining qalinligi mol go’shti va qo’y go’shti kesgichining dumaloq pichoqlari orasidagi bo’shliqni sozlash orqali ta’minlanadi va bu bo’shliq har bir yumaloq pichoq orasiga bosilgan oraliq qalinligi bilan belgilanadi. Turli qalinlikdagi go’sht bo’laklari qistirmani yoki butun kesish mexanizmini almashtirish orqali kesilishi mumkin.

The basic structure of the beef and mutton slicing machine is mainly composed of the cutting part, that is, the blade, as well as the numerical control system, the transmission mechanism and other components. Through the numerical control method, the function of the equipment to cut beef and mutton slices is realized. Before using it, you can understand its Structure, so that the equipment can be used more efficiently.

Mol va qo’y go’shti to’g’ragichning asosiy tuzilishi-Qo'zilarni kesish mashinasi, mol go'shti kesish mashinasi, qo'zi / qo'y go'shtini kiyish uchun ip mashinasi, mol go'shti kiyish uchun ip mashinasi, ko'p funktsiyali sabzavot kesish mashinasi, oziq-ovqat mahsulotlarini qadoqlash mashinasi, Xitoy zavodi, yetkazib beruvchi, ishlab chiqaruvchi, ulgurji sotuvchi