- 24
- Mar
Some details of using lamb slicer
Some details of using lamb slicer
Lamb slicing machine is a kind of food machinery specially used to cut frozen meat such as mutton and beef. Nowadays, shabu-shabu manufacturers and some hot pot restaurants like to use it for slicing. It is not only efficient, but also can greatly save labor. Pay special attention to a few details.
1. Agar siz mashinani ishlatish vaqtida beqaror ekanligini his qilsangiz, stolga o’rnatilishi mumkin bo’lgan vintli teshiklari bilan mashinadan foydalanish osonroq bo’ladi.
2. You must use the lamb slicing machine with the skin facing in when you freeze the meat slices yourself.
3. Agar bir necha yuz mushukchani uzluksiz kesib bo‘lgach, pichoq sirg‘alib ketsa va go‘sht ushlanmasa, demak, qo‘zichoq to‘g‘raguvchining pichog‘i to‘xtab qolgan va pichoqni o‘tkirlash kerak.
4. Qo’zi go’shtini kesish mashinasi harakatlanayotganda chapga (go’sht yo’nalishi bo’yicha) harakat qilmaslik kerak. Bu pichoqni deformatsiya qiladi. Bu muhim nuqta.
5. Foydalanish shartlariga ko’ra, bir hafta davomida pichoq qo’riqchisini olib tashlash, nam mato bilan tozalash va keyin quruq mato bilan quritish kerak.
Using a mutton slicer, the slices of meat cut out are evenly thin and thick, and the rolling effect is good. In use, it should be used in accordance with the correct operating steps, and at the same time, pay attention to the subsequent maintenance.