- 30
- Mar
Ke hobane’ng ha lilae tsohle tsa nama tse kolokisitsoeng li sehoa ke sekhechana sa nku?
Ke hobane’ng ha lilae tsohle tsa nama tse kolokisitsoeng li sehoa ke sekhechana sa nku?
The meat cut by the selai sa nama ea nku is rolled. There are two main reasons. One is the cutting angle of the blade. The blade of the slicer is a single-edged knife. The cutting angle is of this shape, usually between 45° and 35° acute angle. , The angle directly affects the effect of rolling, the small angle cuts it out into slices, this is adjusted according to the user, such as a barbecue restaurant, on the contrary, the angle is large and cut into a roll shape, such as a hot pot restaurant that needs to be plated.
E ‘ngoe ke mocheso oa lirolo tsa nama. Hangata, nama e ntšoa ka mokhoa oa leqhoa. Mocheso o tlase mme boima bo phahame. E ke ke ea khaoloa ka ho toba. Ho ea ka boemo ba leholimo le mocheso ka nako eo, ka lebaka la phapang e khōlō ea mocheso pakeng tsa leboea le boroa, nako e ngata haholo ea ho qhibiliha, ho khaola nama ho tla etsa hore e be bonolo ebile e thata ho e bōpa, ‘me ho na le mekhoa e mengata ea ho qhibiliha. Ke tla re tse peli mona, e ‘ngoe ke ea ho boloka le mocheso o sa khaotseng,’ me e ‘ngoe ke, lebokose la foam le qhibiliha mocheso oa kamore. .
Qetellong, ke rata ho u hopotsa hore lehare le hloka ho chorisoa ka nako e itseng, ‘me ha lea lokela ho ama phello ea ho itšeha nama.
Lekhalo la lehare le amana ka ho toba le botenya ba selae sa nama le mocheso oa nama. Haeba u batla ho arola, hangata u hloka feela ho utloisisa mocheso le botenya ba nama ho laola hore na nama e phuthiloe kapa e fofa. Phello ea lehare ha e hlake, ‘me haeba lehlakoreng la lehare le le lenyenyane, le hoja nama e khaotsoeng e arotsoe, ho bonolo ho apara lehare, kahoo haeba u senya nama e leqhoa nako e teletsana kapa u e khaola ho feta, e tla aroloa.