- 06
- Jan
Introduction to the mechanical structure of the frozen meat slicer
Introduction to the mechanical structure of the chando chekucheka nyama
The frozen meat slicer is mainly composed of a cutting mechanism, a power transmission mechanism and a feeding mechanism. The motor makes the cutting mechanism rotate in both directions through the power transmission mechanism to cut the meat supplied by the feeding mechanism. The meat can be cut into regular slices, shreds and granules according to the cooking process requirements.
Iyo nzira yekucheka ndiyo nzira huru yekushanda yemuchina. Nemhaka yokuti kugadzirwa kwenyama itsva kwakapfava uye mhasuru dzemhasuru hadzisi nyore kucheka, hazvina kukodzera kushandisa jira rinotenderera rinoshandiswa pamushini wekucheka miriwo nemichero. Iyi mhando yemuchina wekucheka nyama kazhinji inoshandisa banga rekucheka rakagadzirwa necoaxial denderedzwa blades, inova biaxial yekucheka. Combination banga set.